Reputatie schade beperken en crisiscommunicatie

Reputatiemanagement en Woordvoering

The increasing pressure from the (social) media

More and more wealthy and entrepreneurial families are concerned about the increased media coverage of their families. Whether it's radio or TV, print media or social media, editorial articles once published are difficult to remove. Even if the content is demonstrably incorrect. Not only can this attention have a profound impact on the reputation of your family members, it can also wreak havoc on the reputation of your family business. And publicity about your family business can affect the reputation of your entire family. With possible consequences for everyone's privacy and security.


We have been active in reputation management for families, their companies and/or foundations for over thirty years. We help define, build, propagate and protect the reputation you want. Thanks to our personal network of media relations built up over many years, we often know what is going on with the media, what they are looking for and how we can subsequently prevent or limit negative publicity.

We map out all possible reputation risks and then propose preventive measures to minimize the chance of a calamity, recognize them at an early stage and take appropriate measures to minimize any reputational damage.

Spokespersons with years of proven experience

We are the external spokesperson for various enterprising and wealthy families. In some cases, we have been appointed on the recommendation of their own advisers or insurers. We provide annual media training for spokespersons from our own family ranks and, if desired, act as a sparring partner and prompter. Various insurance policies require the appointment of a professional external spokesperson who coordinates and monitors communication on behalf of the family or company during a crisis and who takes on the role of spokesperson. We are proud that several families have entrusted us with this important task.

Bart Maussen

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