Maussen Family Confidants is an initiative of Bart Maussen and Edward Koldewijn. Since 2005 they have been working together in the specialized and discrete guidance of wealthy and entrepreneurial DGAs, their family members, administrators, politicians, entrepreneurs, athletes and artists. Maussen Family Confidants is the only Dutch provider of tailor-made care for this target group.
In 2012, Maussen Confidential Advisors and Coaches was renamed Dutch Business & Family Executive Support B.V. Since then, the organization has consisted of two parts: Maussen Family Confidants and Maussen Executive Coaching.
Our vision
In Dutch society, care is primarily geared to multi-problem families in deprived neighbourhoods, provided by so-called outreach teams. In case of problems, the Dutch middle class can turn to regular mental healthcare. Unfortunately, there is no specialized care offer in the Netherlands for wealthy and/or enterprising persons and families.
As a result of the various requests for help we have received since 2015, we can state that the nature of the problems within wealthy and/or entrepreneurial families is often different than that of non-wealthy and non-entrepreneurial families. The number of wealthy families in the Netherlands is increasing sharply every year. We therefore expect a considerable increase in the number of requests for help from these families and/or their individual relatives. In order to be able to provide excellent guidance to our specific target group in finding sustainable solutions for their requests for help, specialists are needed who are used to dealing with these families.
Our mission
As Confidential Counselors, we have made it our mission to provide excellent guidance to wealthy and enterprising families and their individual relatives in finding sustainable solutions for various requests for assistance.